Rose, you stand alone
Thorns protect you
But still you are trampled
Bruised and hurt
Rose, you are bleeding
Careless feet pass by
Yet another creased petal
Even thorns fail to defend
Rose, you forget!
Wounds hide the truth
Veiled beauty awaits
Your purpose mysterious
Rose, who are you?
Burgundy petals lined
Full of conviction and promise
Wisdom through experience
Rose, know your purpose!
Stubbornly standing up
Dark creases may line your petals
But splendour shines through
Rose, you are exquisite
Though scrunched by passer-bys
The beauty remains
Merely amplified by bruises and time
Rose, be encouraged
The sting of people fades
Arise to your full potential
Bloom into your purpose
-Natasha Bryant
To my darling sister,
I love you!
Dec '09