Popcorn Cavities
I'm sitting at work, and seriously considering joining a circus where I get to give naughty children sweets and treats that will make them hyper, but that isn't my problem. Parents, you get to sort them out. I've had to run around after children this week, and the taste in my mouth after the experience is not so sweet anymore. Its the aftermath of a sweet tooth, and now I need to see a Dentist.
However, talking about sweet things - I am seeing my boyfriend tonight and I simply cannot wait. Last weekend he was in Tzaneen for work, and to see his mom and brother. And then on Monday morning he flew to Cape Town. He arrived back on Wednesday evening. We are currently having a BBM conversation in Afrikaans, which I'm not so skilled in, about how I'm making dinner. I think he is taking chances. Big time. I'll let him grovel a bit, and then I'll consider it.
Fantastic Flair
Barend was at a Flair comp, the Get a Grip competition on Monday evening at Eastwoods, in Cape Town. Unfortunately I couldn't attend, but I wish I was there, simply to support him. His routine started off with a rip off of the popular 'I'm sexy and I know it' by LMFAO. This one was 'I'm nerdy and I know it', and encompassed his theme for the flair competition. Being nerdy. We found a pair of my old 3D glasses, and popped out the lenses for him to wear with the white bracers. I'm sure he looked amazing. Barend placed 5th in the competition, and Kyle, the other Kreate mixologist, won first place. Congrats guys!
Assignment Apocalypse
Assignments, what are those? I have 3 more to do still, and I haven't touched them. Yes, I do plan on doing them. But when? Maybe tonight or tomorrow morning when I'm with liefling. Chaucer and the Wife of Bath are the assignment that I'm currently working on.
Dame Alisoun is a very interesting lady. The assignment topic is whether Chaucer satirises her out of her own mouth by making her appear to be a preacher and scriptoral scholar. She is ironic, in that she 'preaches' against them. But uses the same formats that they use. Misusing quotes to her own advantage, having to use bible verses to appear more scholarly. I think that every woman can identify with Dame Alisoun, except for the five husbands thing. That doesn't appeal to me. But her sexual appetite had no boundaries, no limits and no qualms.
Design Dilemma
I've been designing work at work again, obviously for work. So here are some samples of what I've done.
That is some of it. Next time I'll post the newsletter that I work on here.
I have been trying to do it in an HTML format, but it isn't that easy. I've always done it a particular way, and now changing is difficult. You know what they say about old dogs and tricks. Lizette, the one partner, who incidently works for HP and now also owns an HP Printstation even though that isn't ethical. Anyway, she has told me that for a newsletter I must always add 3 things.
1. Something happening in the shop
2. Something happening in the community
3. Tips and Tricks
This all sounds very strange. So, I have to figure out tips and tricks with regards to a print station. I have no idea where to begin. So if somebody cares to tell me tips? Like why choose Litho or what paper will give you optimum results. Because people want to read things like that.
On another note, the graphic designer that works here - Sandy. She is really cool! We get along well, and she is teaching me how to design in Corel Draw. No, I don't know how. I'm a Photoshop baby. And she bought lunch today from Bean Around, which is around the corner. Lunch was good. I need orange juice now though.
Proficient in Boredom
I'm very bored, and I'm making no sense. Not even to myself. So, I'll sign off for now.
Have a fantastic weekend goonies!