The following two Easter designs I was sent from Tiro Outsourcing and Vusela. Tiro has a logo of the Easter Island heads, so the design was simple. However, Vusela being a security company was somewhat more of a challenge. It required a corporate look and something that wasn't too eastery as was their original design done by their marketing manager. She designed a typical easter bunny and easter egg with greeting type of format. I eventually decided to simply add ears to their logo and add a border. They were very happy with both designs.
My name is Natasha, but everybody knows me as Tash.
This blog is full of my ideas, my thoughts and my designs.
Its a conversation that I'm having with myself. You are just welcome to view it.
- Corel Draw (1)
- Design (1)
- Flair (1)
- Get a Grip (1)
- Photoshop (1)
- Wife of Bath (1)